Fresh Foliage Clay Collar Necklace

Did you know there's a brand new UNIVERSE?  It's a CREATIVE Universe dedicated to polymer clay!
I'm thrilled to have a project tutorial featured in the April issue of the Polymer Clay Universe E-Zine!  This "Fresh Foliage" collar necklace is an awesome pop of Pantone's Color of the Year - and it's made with Makin's Clay® so it is lightweight and flexible!
It's a one-stop area with links to everything polymer, learn, meet friends, submit your work, and a whole listing of polymer clay techniques and how to do them. All for just $5 monthly, or subscribe for a year for $50!   Join us today - follow this link!
Polymer Clay Universe has been designed as a one-stop hub for everything Polymer Clay. 
Stop spending your time searching, and spend more time learning, connecting, and having fun!
For less than the average cost of a magazine, join us today for the most updated information and resource list available, plus a monthly "magazine" you can print at home or view online! Your subscription includes: 
  • Event calendars for live events, retreats, places to submit your artwork for publications and contests, online events you can join in on, and more
  • A Member Gallery showcasing each member with a cover photo, and URLS of your shop, social media, and website
  • Popular Polymer Clay Techniques explained- a whole section you can learn from any time
  • Chat room- open 24/7
  • Link list of suppliers around the world
  • Link list of free tutorials on all kinds of topics
  • Link list of paid tutorial providers and teachers
  • Monthly Columns, which you can flip through like a magazine, or print out as a PDF if you wish:
    • The Polymer Chef lives on- Unique recipes to enliven your clay art
    • Pro Business tips, jewelry making and style with Shannon Tabor
    • Featured Artist with Syndee Holt
    • Caning with Toni Ransfield
    • and more columnists as we add them-
