Easter "Candy" Wreath

Who doesn’t love chocolate rabbits and jelly beans?   This little wreath celebrates the fun of an Easter basket and would make a cute accent to your springtime decor.  Makin's Clay® makes your "candy" last forever!  I'm also sharing this project this week on WhenCreativityKnocks.com 


8” Grapevine wreath (this one came from the Dollar Tree)
Celophane Easter grass 
Makin’s Clay® - Terra Cotta, White 
DecoArt® Americana® Frost Gloss Enamels® - Pink 
DecoArt® Americana® Crystal Gloss Enamels® - Yellow, Orange, Purple
Chocolate rabbit 
Wooden craft stick 
Wide pink satin ribbon
Beacon 3-in-1 Adhesive™ 
Paint brush


To create your jelly beans, form white Makin’s Clay® into jelly bean shapes.  Paint the top of bean with a thick coat of Gloss Enamels® paint.  Let dry thoroughly, then paint the oppostie side. 

To create your chocolate rabbit, follow manufacturer instructions and use Amazing Mold Putty™ and a real chocolate rabbit to create a mold.  View this episode of Behind These Eyes to see the process:

Use Terra Cotta Makin’s Clay® to create a faux chocolate rabbit (you can use any shade of brown for this - create “white” chocolate with Natural clay, “dark” chocolate with a darker brown shade, etc.  You can even add the colored “chocolate” accents that some real chocolate rabbits by using colored clay).   

Let your jelly beans and rabbit dry for 24 hours. 

Attach a handful of celophane Easter grass to the bottom of the wreath with 3-in-1 Adhesive.  

Use 3-in-1 to glue a wooden craft stick to the back of your rabbit to help hold it upright on the wreath. Let dry.  Trim the stick as needed and then push stick into wreath and mount rabbit in center of grass. 

Use 3-in-1 to mount your jelly beans around the rabbit.  

Tie a bow with wide pink satin ribbon and glue to wreath beneath the grass and candies. 


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