Garden Penny Ball - Designer Craft Connection Blog Hop Time!

March is upon us!  So much is happening!  St. Patrick's Day!  Easter!  National Craft Month! Youth Art Month!   So many reasons to DO SOMETHING CREATIVE TODAY!  Want some ideas?  It's the first Monday of the month, and that means it's time for another Designer Craft Connection link party!  Participating Designers are sharing their fun projects here on the Designer Craft Connection Blog.  This month's theme was "Most Popular Project" and we were tasked with sharing the project that has received the most attention on our social media.  Find all of their links here on the DCC Blog!

My post popular project, which continues to receive a lot of "social media love", is my DIY Penny Ball for your garden!  This project was originally shared on the Smoothfoam™ blog.  It's also on Pinterest where it's been pinned/repinned over 750 times, and the instructions are also featured on my Hometalk page where it's been hugely popular - 56K views so far and it was only posted on December 22nd!  

Just a few materials and you are on your way to making your own garden penny ball!  A Smoothfoam™ ball, Krylon® spray paint, Beacon® 527 Adhesive, pennies, and Earth Safe Finishes Marine Varnish.

This one has been in my garden for over a year, year round, through all kinds of weather, and I'm happy to say it still is holding up great!  The pennies have aged a bit, which is what I wanted - but I've only had to re-glue about 3 pennies in all this time and the Smoothfoam™ ball is holding up great! 


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