MMM...Pie! etchall® Etched Glass Pie Plate

Apple, Pumpkin, Cherry, Banana Cream, Chocolate Cream, Sweet Potato, Coconut Cream, Blueberry……. Pie, so many choices - all delicious!  This fun etched glass pie plate would make a fun gift for a new bride, or even as a house warming gift for someone.    Include a few of your favorite pie recipes or a recipe for a special pie crust.  

Creating customized glassware like this is easy with etchall® Creme! 

Want to try etchall® yourself?  Follow this link and enter the code CINDIBG at checkout to receive 10% off your order! 


Glass pie plate
etchall® Creme 
etchall® Designer Tip Kit
DecoArt® - Americana® Re-usable Stick-On Stencils - Knock Out Alphabet
DecoArt® - Americana® Gloss Enamels Stick-On Stencils - Curly Alphabet, Fleur de lis
DecoArt® - Americana® Crystal Gloss Enamels® - Red, Orange, Yellow
DecoArt® - Americana® Gloss Enamels® - Hauser Medium Green 
Measuring tape, permanent marker, fine paintbrush 


On back of plate, find center and draw crossing lines to divide plate into quarters. 

On inside of plate, arrange stencils to spell out types of pie in each quarter.  Place decorative stencil in center of plate.   

Place etchall® Creme into Designer Tip Kit, apply creme to each stencil.  Let set 15 minutes.  Wash to clean.  (*Note - etchall® Creme is re-usable, it can be returned to the bottle and used repeatedly; however, since I used such a small amount of creme on these stencils, I simply washed to remove it). 

Use capital M stencil to etch MMM… on inside sides of plate were each line ends.  

Paint fruit with fine paint brush and Gloss Enamels® paints on outside sides of plate above each type of pie.  Add decorative dots of paint around center etched image on back of plate.  Cure paint by following manufacturer instructions.

Use damp cloth to buff marker off back of plate. 


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