Etched Peacock Feather Wineglass

Two of my favorite things, cobalt blue glass, and peacock feathers, are combined on these etched wineglasses. etchall® makes it easy to customize any glassware, mirrors, and ceramics.  


Cobalt blue wine glass
Foam brush 
Painters tape


Wash and dry glass. Place silkscreen, orange side down, onto glass. Use painters tape to hold it securely in place. 

Apply a thick coat of etchall® creme over the image. Let set 15 minutes. 

Use brush to return creme to bottle.  etchall® is reusable! Wash glass and remove silkscreen and tape. Voila! Customized etched glass! A set of these and a bottle of wine would make a great housewarming gift, bridal shower gift, wedding gift.... or custom etch a single glass for a wine loving friend.  


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