Watercolor Watermelon Glass Plate

These pretty Watercolor Watermelon luncheon plates are perfect for a summer luncheon on the patio!  The semi-translucent effect of the glass paints, painted with random brushstrokes, reminds me of a watercolor painting.  
  • Clear glass lunch size plate 
  • DecoArt® Americana® Crystal Gloss Enamels™ – Red (www.decoart.com
  • DecoArt® Americana® Frost Gloss Enamels™ – Green
  • Loew-Cornell® Simply Art™ Brushes (www.loew-cornell.com
  • Black Sharpie™ Marker  
  1. Working on back side of clear glass plate, use black Sharpie marker to draw seeds as shown in center area of plate.  
  2. Use Loew-Cornell brush and Red Americana Crystal Gloss Enamels to paint center of plate to about 1” from outer edge. I used random brush strokes for a more “watercolor” effect on the finished plate. Let dry.  
  3. Apply a second coat of red. Let dry. 
  4. Use Loew-Cornell brush and Green Americana Frost Gloss Enamels to paint light coat around edge of plate to create rind. Let dry.   
  5. Apply a second coat just over the outer 1/2” of plate, so there will be pale green next to the red, then darker green on the outside edge. I used random brush strokes for a more “watercolor” effect on the finished plate. Let dry.
  6. I wanted the outer edge of the green to be more opaque, so I applied a third coat of glass paint.
  7. Cure/set paint following manufacturer instructions. 
