Cookies for Santa Etched Glass Plate

Surprise a special little one in your life with a gift before Christmas with this etched glass Cookies for Santa plate.   


Glass plate
etchall® - Etching Cream
      - Designer Tip Kit
DecoArt® - Americana® Gloss            Enamels® Re-Usable Stick On Alphabet Stencils 
- Glass Paint Markers™ - Red, White,Gold, Silver, Citron 
Darice® Santa and trees brass stencils 
Westcott® Titanium Bonded Scissors 
Duct tape, paper towels  


1. Trimming around letters as needed, on inside/front of plate spell out “COOKIES FOR SANTA” along top curved edge.  (As I only had 1 alphabet set, I had to etch the first set of letters, then go back and etch my “o” in FOR, etc….)

2. Use duct tape to hold brass Santa stencil in center of plate.  Fill designer tip kit bottle with etchall® creme, apply cream over letter stencils, then fill in brass stencil, lift and remove stencil, carefully removing any creme that may have bled beneath stencil.   Let set 15 minutes, then rinse to remove creme  (etchall® creme is re-usable, and can be returned to the jar for use another time - but for this small amount, I chose to just remove the cream while washing instead.)

3. Use tape to hold brass tree stencil in place next to Santa image, apply creme, lift to remove stencil, carefully removing any creme that may have bled beneath stencil.   Let set 15 minutes, then rinse to remove creme.  Repeat for additional trees.  Wash plate thoroughly and let dry.

4. Use DecoArt® paint markers to add dots around Santa, star, and trees to highlight etched areas.   Also add dot holly sprigs around words as desired.  
