Parisian Roses Etched Glass Jar Vase

I love to upcycle and repurpose items. I save anything and everything GLASS when I’m finished using it for it’s original use. In this case, it was a holiday candle jar. My roses are bursting forth and I wanted to bring some inside to enjoy. As they are “shrub” roses I did not want to remove all the extra leaves, etc., but rather wanted them to be full and lush. That called for a large mouth vase so they would not be too tightly bunched. This old candle jar was the perfect answer! 


etchall® Creme
etchall® etchmask® Stencil Combo Pack
etchall® Pick Tool
etchall® Squeegee 
Wide mouth glass jar 
Image for cutting/tracing 


I first found a graphic that I liked online and printed it with my electronic die cutting machine onto etchmask®. You could use a stencil, draw something, or trace something onto the etchmask if you don’t have a die cutting machine. 

I’m using the negative space for the stencil, so I removed all the writing and floral images.

Then I placed a piece of transfer paper that comes with the Stencil Combo Pack over the image and pressed well to adhere it to the etchmask. Carefully peel away the back layer off the etchmask, ensuring that all your little bits and pieces remain in place on the transfer paper. 

Be sure your jar is clean and dry, then align the stencil as desired and press to transfer it to the glass. I like to use scraps of etchmask on the outer edges just to avoid any “extra” etching where I hadn’t intended it to be.
Apply a thick coat of the the etchall® creme and let set 15 minutes. 

Return the creme to the bottle for use another time. Etchall is re-usable! Wash the jar and remove the etchmask stencil. Voila! A customized wide mouthed vase perfect for displaying my spring roses!
