Etched Glass Rooster Salt & Pepper Shakers

Transform inexpensive glass salt & pepper shakers into cute coordinating kitchen decor with etchall® products & DecoArt® stencils!  

Want to try etchall® yourself?  Follow this link and enter the code CINDIBG at checkout to receive 10% off your order! 

  • Glass Salt & Pepper Shakers (these were less than $1 at a local big-box chain department store!)
  • etchall®(
    • Etching Cream
    • Resist Gel
  • DecoArt® (
    • Americana® Gloss Enamels® Stick-On Stencils™
      • Country
  • Loew-Cornell®(
    • Simply Art™ Brushes
  • Ribbon

Place rooster stencil onto center of one side of one shaker. Stencils will stick to the glass temporarily and can be removed for repeated use. Use paint brush to apply pply a layer of etchall® Resist Gel to in open area of stencil.

I wanted my second rooster to be facing the opposite direction, so for second shaker, flip stencil over. Reverse side will not adhere to glass, hold in place with fingers and carefully apply a layer of the etchall® Resist Gel.

Let dry until clear.
Use brush to apply a thick even coat of etchall® Etching Cream over remaining surface of each shaker. 

Let set 15 minutes. Return cream to bottle and carefully wash clean. If your resist gel did not come free when washing, it will easily scrape from the surface. Let dry.

Fill with salt & pepper, replace lids and tie ribbon around tops of shakers beneath lids.
