Back from CHA!

Back from a very busy week at CHA - great to see so many creative friends and make some new ones.   I enjoyed my time in the KellyCraft™ Innovations and Makin's Clay® booths.  I hosted two make & takes throughout the show at the Makin's Clay® booth and taught a mixed-media shadowbox frame class with Ann Butler.

Preparation before the show creating a camouflaged boat shelf to display KellyCraft's™ Duck Commander® stamps, preparing project display boards, and building an old fence display for their Jimbo Lojik™ clear polymer stamps (thanks to Danny McGee for all his work creating the fence!),  in conjunction with lots of planning sessions with Jimbo Kelly & Aaron Pichon all lead to an amazing booth experience for all those who attended - people really loved getting into the interactive duck blind and having their photo taken with Willie & Uncle Si! 

Now it's back to the grindstone and on with planning for the next big event!    I'm heading to Houston, TX on January 28th for 4 days of classes featuring Makin's Clay®!  Stay tuned......
