Bloom Etched Glass Vase with etchall®

I am really pleased with how this etched vase came out!  I used etchall® Resist Gel,  etchall® Etching Cream and DecoArt® stencils to create a unique vase for summer flowers.

  • Glass vase
  • etchall® Etching Cream 
  • etchall® Resist Gel 
  • etchall® Designer Tip Kit 
  • Alphabet stickers 
  • DecoArt® PatioPaint Home & Garden Stencils
  • Westcott® Self-Healing Mat to keep work area clean
  • Foam brush, small paint brush 

Step 1:  Spell out “BLOOM” on vase with alphabet stickers as shown. 
Step 2:  Fill bottle from Designer Tip Kit with etchall® Resist Gel, add finest tip. 
Step 3:  With vase on Write out “where you are planted” beneath BLOOM stickers.  
Step 4:  Let writing begin to dry clear (this will reduce risk of smearing during the next step). 
Step 5:  Place flower/fern stencil onto vase in desired location.  Use paintbrush to apply thin coat of Resist Gel over stencil.  
Step 6:  Carefully lift stencil and repeat with additional stencils until all desired images are on vase. 
Step 7:  Let dry until Resist Gel is completely clear.  
Step 8:  Use foam brush to apply etchall® Etching Cream to each side of vase.  Let set 15 minutes, then remove cream and place back into bottle.   Rinse vase to remove remaining etching cream.  
