As promised.... More CHA!

I'm back with a few more sneak peaks at CHA Anaheim - here are a few more things that caught my eye!

Scrap-Fx - awesome chipart albums - loved the castle shape! Some unique ones here - check them out!

Zucker Feather's!  WINGS!  So much fun! Need I say more? 

Little Yellow Bicycle had lots of eye candy - I was happy to see some really cool "boy" products too! See their products here

Romanoff Products had a great assortment of colorful storage options - their colofrul booth was eye catching! Loved their little star shaped boxes with covers - just adorable!

MercArt USA metalworking tools - I am always mesmorized when I stop at their booth - here's a peak... noticing that trend I mentioned?
Shannon Fabrics - LOVED their cuddly embossed fabrics - loved the way they did their booth too!  It was very eye catching and really focused well on the product!

There's still more to come...... will try to share again tomorrow!  
