What an amazing show! Summer CHA was very exciting - lots of fantastic new products on the way for the crafting community. It was nice to see some new companies with fresh and original designs and products. Over the next several days I'll be sharing images of some of my favorites.

CONGRATULATIONS to GlueArts for their CHA award for the new Glue Glider! It's an amazing new adhesive gun with lots of options - use a single piece or a whole strip - glides on like a dream.

SPAARK Limited has an amazing new line of "alterable" leather albums in a variety of sizes and colors - they are "soft" & flexible, and very alterable - they can be punched with a cropodile, stamped, inked, burnished with a burning tool...... I was honored to be asked to serve on their design team and look forward to creating unique cover art for their fantastic albums!
The Robin's Nest ( was one of the new companies I was very excited to find - they have an amazing line of papers, many with touches of "bling/glitter," etc (even the "masculine papers" like the fire pattern above has GLITTER!), and coordinating products with lost of unique texture! The image above is a sneak peak - I'll be sharing lots more about their products in my next post.
Thanks to Makin's Clay for a great experience also - I demonstrated in their booth and they displayed 14 projects at their booth which I had created with their products. It was an honor to be part of the Makin's Team at CHA!
